I just put a link, though I realized it may have been cleaner to just put the stuff I put in the tutorial on the main page instead...  *shrug*

Is sac_registration supposed to be used to find the transformation between two identical but transformed point clouds where corresponding points have the same index? Or can it be used for something more general, like a sensed cloud being matched to a cloud generated from a mesh? I'm trying to figure out what it is for/where it could be useful.


Adam Leeper
Stanford University

On Wed, Sep 1, 2010 at 11:33 PM, Radu Bogdan Rusu <rusu@willowgarage.com> wrote:

On 09/01/2010 11:23 PM, Adam Leeper wrote:
I put an edited portion of model_types.h on the wiki, along with my
in-line comments about the number and types of model coefficients.


Thanks a lot! Super useful! Can you link it to the main web page too where we have the models explained? We really need to change the structure of these web pages... i'm starting to dislike the wiki a bit, but we'll find ways around it. Maybe we need to define some sections (per library: Filtering, Feature Estimation, Segmentation, etc) and then write separate pages for each.

After digging around in the source for a while I've come to the
conclusion that some of the segmentation models are not implemented. Is
that true, or did I miss them somewhere?

You're right. Cone and torus are placeholders right now. It's super hard to find perfect shapes like this in the world, and their mathematical models are more complicated. :( Even with synthetic data, a cylinder model will always respond stronger than a cone model in most cases... We could look into reimplementing them however if there's great interest.

Also, after digging around in the source, it made me appreciate even
more how cool pcl is. Nice job Radu :)

Many thanks. :bow: :)


| Radu Bogdan Rusu | http://rbrusu.com/