Hi Josh,

I recorded a bag file when RVIZ was crashing. However, when I played it again RVIZ does not crash and seems ok.
So, I still did not file a ticket.
Previously I was using Ubuntu 9.10 and because of this, I installed 10.04 to check whether it is a problem of my graphics card (my graphics card is intel, whose state in Linux is not very good, I guess). It didnt resolve the problem; but RVIZ does not crash as frequent as it did.

Any thoughts?


From: Josh Faust <jfaust@willowgarage.com>
To: ros-users@code.ros.org
Sent: Thursday, September 9, 2010 12:23:46
Subject: Re: [ros-users] RVIZ segmentation fault

On Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 8:17 PM, Peshala Jayasekara <peshala_24@yahoo.com> wrote:
Hi Josh,

Sorry not to have complied with the posting guidelines, previously.

No worries, it just didn't leave me with much to work with :)

This isn't something I've seen before.  Can you file a ticket with this info, along with a .bag file with the laser and tf topics?  https://code.ros.org/trac/ros-pkg/newticket?component=visualization&type=defect&&visualization

