am doing a dual boot with 10.04 Lucid and OSX 10.6.4 on a MBP
Works perfectly nice, I have cturtle pr2_all and all the pr2 stuff work 

On 10 September 2010 23:22, <> wrote:



      I have successfully got the following to work on  a mac:

      -> Box turtle on 10.5 with nav_view working but not rviz

      -> Cturtle on 10.6 without ogre_tools compiling (yet) and so no nav_view/rviz.

       -> Dual boot install of Ubuntu 9.1 + ros 0.8 and all the above tools working.


         These were all base_installs so no PR2 support (but it was enough to develop on another robotic platform we are building). Earliers mails on this thread indicated that it is not possible to get PR2

       support anytime soon but that might not apply to simulation.


          I basically followed the instructions on the OSX page of the ros wiki. For 10.6 you need to do some tweaks to make the python frameworks

      play nice ( I think those are kind of explained in that page now).


        As the Mac documentation states, packages on top of the base_install have not been tested and might have broken dependencies or need changes to work. I have had some luck getting

help from the ROS package maintainers to get some stuff to work, but you might be better off trying the virtual box or dual boot option if you neeed PR2 but aren't tied to Mac OS X.


       Anyway, I can try to answer specific issues you have run into on a Mac install.




Ken Conley <>
Sent by:
09/10/2010 01:59 PMPlease respond

 bcc   Deepak Ramachandran/HRA/ASC/HONDA
 Subject   Re: [ros-users] PR2 development on a MAC

Hi Patrick,

I believe Deepak was referring to installing ROS libraries unrelated
to the PR2.

As mentioned in the previous e-mail exchanges, you should use an
Ubuntu setup to use the PR2. It is highly unlikely that you will get a
proper set of PR2 libraries working on OS X. A Virtual Box setup will
work if you are not doing visualizations or using the gazebo
simulator. The best setup would be a dual-boot.

- Ken

On Fri, Sep 10, 2010 at 1:43 PM, Patrick Doyle <> wrote:
> I am interested in using a Macintosh (running 10.6.4) as a development
> platform for PR2 projects.  Right now, I don't know what I don't know.
> I followed the instructions given on the Wiki
> ( for installing the
> software on a Mac.  While the software seemed to install fine (once I
> created a case-sensitive disk image in which to install the code), the
> tutorial falls apart at the "rosdep install turtle_teleop" step due to
> a lack of Bluetooth and other libraries.  (I described this here:
> I found a thread
> (
> where the poster (Deepak) claimed that CTurtle was successfully
> installed on MAC OS 10.6, but he unable to get Ogre working.
> As I said, right now I don't know what I don't know.  And I would like
> to rectify that.  I don't really know how much of what I don't know is
> related to ROS, CTurtle, Ogre, Gazebo, or MAC OS incompatibilities in
> general.
> So I'll ask the questions... please feel free to point me at
> documentation I should have already read...
> What is involved in running a PR2 simulation development environment on a MAC?
> It seems to me that I would need to follow the MAC OS instructions
> given on the Wiki and use rosinstall.  Is that the same as saying "I
> have installed CTurtle"  or did Deepak mean something else when he
> said that?
> I see in the Wiki several components require OGRE and I see
> instructions for installing that.  I also see Deepak's post saying
> that he tried that and ran into problems.  If I want to do PR2
> development, do I need to install OGRE?
> If we were to assume that (for some reason) I had better luck than
> Deepak, what else would I need to install?  I think I saw something
> about installing NVIDIA Cg from the nvidia site.  What else would be
> required?
> I just noticed a comment on the OS X page that "At the time of
> writing, gazebo does not built on OS X, for reasons unrelated to
> OGRE".  Is that still true?  Am I doomed to failure if I get to this
> point?
> That's probably enough for now.  Thanks for reading this far.
> --wpd
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Viele Gruss/Best Regards,
Billy Okal
Jacobs University Bremen
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