
I have all latest versions of boxturtle and cturtle in the same system.
I am getting following error which i never used to get when boxturtle was standalone.


rootx@rootx-desktop:~$ roswtf
Loaded plugin tf.tfwtf
No package or stack in context
Static checks summary:

Found 1 error(s).

ERROR PYTHONPATH [/opt/ros/cturtle/ros/core/roslib/src:/opt/ros/boxturtle/ros/core/roslib/src::/opt/ros/boxturtle/ros/core/roslib/src:/opt/ros/boxturtle/ros/core/roslib/src:/opt/ros/boxturtle/ros/core/roslib/src] is invalid: Multiple roslib directories in PYTHONPATH (there should only be one)
Beginning tests of your ROS graph. These may take awhile...
analyzing graph...
... done analyzing graph
running graph rules...
... done running graph rules
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/ros/boxturtle/ros/tools/roswtf/src/roswtf/__init__.py", line 196, in _roswtf_main
    rospy.init_node('roswtf', anonymous=True)
  File "/opt/ros/boxturtle/ros/core/rospy/src/rospy/client.py", line 250, in init_node
    raise rospy.exceptions.ROSInitException("Failed to initialize time. Please check logs for additional details")
ROSInitException: Failed to initialize time. Please check logs for additional details
Failed to initialize time. Please check logs for additional details

Aborting checks, partial results summary:

Found 1 warning(s).
Warnings are things that may be just fine, but are sometimes at fault

WARNING The following nodes are unexpectedly connected:
 * /joint_state_pub->/rosout (/rosout)
 * /eskorta->/rosout (/rosout)

While checking for tf frames
rostopic echo /tf
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/ros/boxturtle/ros/bin/rostopic", line 47, in <module>
  File "/opt/ros/boxturtle/ros/tools/rostopic/src/rostopic.py", line 1282, in rostopicmain
  File "/opt/ros/boxturtle/ros/tools/rostopic/src/rostopic.py", line 867, in _rostopic_cmd_echo
    _rostopic_echo(topic, callback_echo, bag_file=options.bag)
  File "/opt/ros/boxturtle/ros/tools/rostopic/src/rostopic.py", line 610, in _rostopic_echo
    rospy.init_node(NAME, anonymous=True)
  File "/opt/ros/boxturtle/ros/core/rospy/src/rospy/client.py", line 250, in init_node
    raise rospy.exceptions.ROSInitException("Failed to initialize time. Please check logs for additional details")
rospy.exceptions.ROSInitException: Failed to initialize time. Please check logs for additional details

While making and compiling my stack.
 WARNING: Rosdep did not detect the following system dependencies as installed: rosdep ABORTED: Class [Mint] not derived from OSBase Consider using --rosdep-install option or `rosdep install eskorta`

Are these all co-related? Is that happened due to cturtle install?

With best regards,

Prasad Dixit