I think that implementation of joint_trajectory_action in orocos would be safer solution, but is it possible to use action interface from orocos ?

Konrad Banachowicz

2010/9/13 Ruben Smits <>
On Monday 13 September 2010 12:51:42 Konrad Banachowicz wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm going to integrate my manipulator control code with ROS.
> I chose OROCOS as low-level controller.
> I have component for communication with hardware and servoing.
> Now i created component publishing JointState.
> Everything works fine, but i don't know which interface should i chose for
> control. I want to do trajectory execution inside OROCOS, because servo
> controller require to get new set point within 1ms. I searched the
> documentation, but i don't found which interface should be  implemented by
> arm controller to by compatible with ROS manipulation code.

I think you should look at the interface of the
and their opposite the

If you implement the interface to your orocos-based controller as such that a
joint_trajectory_action can be attached to it.
