What is the recommended way to handle multiple goal types with actionlib? 

1)      Put flags in the .action file such that it can handle multiple goal types?  This means always have a single action file for each server/client pair.

2)      Make two different .action files:

a.      Can a single server/client pair handle multiple .action files?

b.      Should you have 2 actionlib servers and 2 actionlib clients?  And if so, how can they interact?


For example, suppose you have a node which drives a simple differential drive robot base.  You want this server to take either a drive straight distance, or the number of degrees to rotate in place.  Both actions can’t be going at the same time.  A new goal of one type should preempt the other.  And the goal specification, feedback, and result are different enough that it might make a single .action file rather awkward. 


I could imagine a single .action file such as:


float32 driveStraightDistance

float32 rotateDegrees

bool driveStraight  #true to drive straight, false to rotate


float32 metersTraveled

float32 degreesRotated

bool driveStraight  #true if this goal was for a drive straight command


float32 metersTraveled

float32 degreesRotated

bool driveStraight  #true if this goal was for a drive straight command


Of course there are some redundant fields there.  This isn’t my exact use case, but you get the idea…








Ben Axelrod

Research Scientist

iRobot Corporation

8 Crosby Drive, Mail Stop 8-1

Bedford, MA 01730

(781) 430-3315 (Tel)

(781) 960-2628 (Fax)
