Hello, I tried to write a small package to subscribe to stereo images of bumblebee2 and publish them with my own name. The source code of my source file, (which uses stereo_image_proc) is attached. I ran this package like this from the prompt: shell$ roslaunch bumblebee2 Bumblebee2.launch shell$ ROS_NAMESPACE=bumblebee2 rosrun stereo_image_proc stereo_image_proc shell$ rosrun trial1 trial1 (from 'rostopic list -v' i can see the topic "/Yucong/left/image_rect" is published). However, after using ' rosrun image_view image_view image:=/Yucong/left/image_rect ' I see only a window without an image in it. How can I see the image? Any help would be appreciated, especially since I am pretty new to the ROS environment. Thanks, -- Yucong Lin Graduate student School of Earth and Space Exploration Arizona State University PSH 470 -- Yucong Lin Graduate student School of Earth and Space Exploration Arizona State University PSH 470