Thanks for your help, Ken. Regarding this---

Also, to clarify point #3 on that page, what it does allow you to do
is multiply define a <machine> tag, thus, "remapping" is achieved by
repeating the machine definition, but with the name you want to alias
it to.

Imagining a scenario such as the following:

<machine name="cpr-demo-01" address="cpr-demo-01" user="administrator" ros-root="~/ros/ros" ros-package-path="~/ros/stacks:~/ros-clearpath:~/umd-ros-pkg" default="never" timeout="5.0" />

<machine name="robot_machine" address="cpr-demo-01" />

Does the second tag inherit the other attributes (especially ros-root and ros-package-path) from the first one, or does it totally blow it away?

Thanks again,
