Hi Jeff, 

robot_state_publisher does flatten the tree.  It makes the code slightly simpler to publish.  In the next iteration it will likely replecate the tree structure when publishing.  The tree despite being flattened on publishing is being computed fully internally.  

With respect to your missing links.  Areyou publishing a joint state for the base_caster_support_joint?  Based on the name and my knowledge of the Create.  I would guess that you're not publishing that joint angle.  robot_state_publisher will prune the tree at where it does not get joint state data.  For without data that entire branch of the tree is invalid.  


Re: fake_localization.  It simply republishes odometry at whatever frequency it receives odometry.  You'll want to slow down the odometry publishing from within gazebo.  

On Mon, Sep 20, 2010 at 11:55 AM, Jeff Rousseau <drzaiusx11@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi All,

Attached is the output of 'rosrun tf view_frames' showing the
transforms being published by robot_state_publisher based on the URDF
for my iRobot Create (also attached) as well the output of "rosrun
urdf urdf_to_graphiz irobot_create_full.urdf.xacro" showing the links
and joints that make up my URDF.

I'm a bit confused as to why these two trees don't match. Why is
'robot_state_publisher' flattening the URDF tree and rearranging some
connections when outputting to TF? According to the URDF base_link
should be the parent of base_link_left/right_motor_link and the motor
links should be the parent of the wheel links...

I think this is related, but not entirely sure: when I add the model
to rviz I get the following warnings:
No transform from [caster_wheel_link] to [/map]

No transform from [base_caster_support_link] to [/map]

Any input, ideas as to whats going wrong/what I'm doing wrong?
(my guess is that I'm making an incorrect assumption that there is a
1-to-1 correspondence between how gazebo and ros handle coordinate

PS on a slightly unrelated note: tf_frames.pdf shows gazebo publishing
the /odom topic at 100hz, is there a way to change this rate? I'm
trying to squeeze as many cycles out of my old hardware as I can, so
I'm trying to avoid over-publishing on my topics to cut down CPU usage
(as it is now gazebo in 'top' is claiming 90-100% of my cpu).  I tried
adding a < param name="publish_frequency" type="double" value="10.0"
/> to fake_localization node in my launch file, but it didn't take...


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Tully Foote
Systems Engineer
Willow Garage, Inc.
(650) 475-2827