On Wed, Sep 22, 2010 at 5:06 AM, Paul Furgale <paul.furgale@utoronto.ca> wrote:
Is it possible to get the same effect by sending a CameraInfo message only
when calibration parameters change?

This would be a major design change to the image_pipeline. Sending a CameraInfo on change only introduces a synchronization problem; how does the subscriber synch the new parameters with the correct image? Since CameraInfo is lightweight compared to Image, we decided to just pay the (low) cost of sending it every time.

Certainly your way could be made to work, it just makes the code more complicated and we haven't found it necessary. If you write your own specialized rectification nodelet, of course you could use whatever side channel you want for expensive updates.

> For Diamondback I'm planning to refactor the image_pipeline into nodelets.

That sounds great! If I do end up going the route of reproducing the
functionality of stereo_image_proc, I'd like to do that on the first pass.
This will avoid extra work when Diamondback comes out. Is there a roadmap
available for what this will look like?

The rough schedule for Diamondback work is at http://www.ros.org/wiki/diamondback/Planning. The image_pipeline work should be done by November. At some point I'll draw up a more formal design document, but the breakdown will look something like:

Nodelets for:
 * Color processing: image_raw -> image, image_color
 * Rectification: image -> image_rect
 * Stereo correlation: left/image_rect, right/image_rect -> disparity
 * Point cloud: disparity -> points, points2
