Hi Marc,

you can try and model after the single link tutorial in here:


The gazebo_ros_controller_manager plugin included in the urdf file does the job of publishing the joint states as you mentioned.
This controller yaml file specifies the controller gains.
This transmissions file specifies the transmission at the joint.
The launch script loads the controller.

Let me know if this helps.

On Sat, Sep 25, 2010 at 7:30 PM, MightTower <marcjoeris@uni-koblenz.de> wrote:

Hi John,
i tried to write my own controllers for 2 joints, like you recommended in
your first approach.
It works when i play around with the tutorials
(http://www.ros.org/wiki/pr2_mechanism/Tutorials) and the PR2 model.
I tried then to control the joints in my model, but the problem is that the
joints are not published so the controller cant find them. I try to find a
tutorial which tells me how to publish the joints but no luck till now. I
think its not a big thing but i cant find the right way at the moment.
Any suggestion or hint?
Thanks a lot
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