Hi Ugo, 
That sort of query looks right.  It will give you the latest available transform from the "/threemouse" frame_id to the "/sr_arm/position/shadowarm_handsupport" frame.  Without more information on the setup of your tf frames I cannot say if you're getting the right transform.  I will note that "/"s in frame_ids do not scope the same way as namespaces. If you post the output of view_frames I can help you more.    


On Tue, Sep 21, 2010 at 7:08 AM, Ugo Cupcic <ugo@shadowrobot.com> wrote:

I'm trying to implement some reverse kinematics on a custom arm, in
order to move the arm using a 3D mouse.

I want to compose 2 transforms: my 3D mouse is publishing tf transforms,
and I have the tf published by the robot_state_publisher for my arm. I
just want to get the resulting transform: move from the current position
to the current position to the new position (current position +
transform from the mouse).

I was using this but I think it doesn't do what I want.
"/sr_arm/position/shadowarm_handsupport", ros::Time(0), transform);

Sorry if it's a trivial question :S



Ugo Cupcic         |  Shadow Robot Company | ugo@shadowrobot.com
Software Engineer  |    251 Liverpool Road |
need a Hand?       |    London  N1 1LX     | +44 20 7700 2487
http://www.shadowrobot.com/hand/              @shadowrobot

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Tully Foote
Systems Engineer
Willow Garage, Inc.
(650) 475-2827