Hi Ricarda,

This sounds like another modeling issue.  Please post your urdf model so we can help you identify the potential problem.

While I don't have a good tool for debugging bad robot models, I'll try and put together a list of things to check here.

Is your robot actuated?  If so, please check to see that the controllers are outputting correct/reasonable commands (no near infinite accelerations as a result).  This includes the safety controller if you are using any.

Meticulously double checking all masses and moi's.

Does reducing time step by factor of 100 help stabilizing things?  If so, you should be able to identify the misbehaving joint/link by slowly re-increasing the time step until you can see a single link/joint lead off the "dance of instability".  Alternatively, break down your model into pieces to identify the source of the problem.  The instability ("dance" or "explosion") could be caused by a number of things, I'll list a few:
As you mentioned, changing mass values will affect the dynamics and numerical properties of your physical system you're modeling.


On Wednesday, September 29, 2010, Ricarda Steffens <steffens@informatik.uni-bonn.de> wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> after fixing problems such as "robot falling from sky", "robot explodes"
> and "robot explodes with help of a timed detonator" I now have the problem
> that my robot model "dances".
> The model spawns as it should be but then has a major tremor and falls on
> the floor still twitching.
> I multiplied the inertia matrix of the wheels by 100 which seems to solve
> the problem surprisingly. At least until I add the robot's arms.
> Then the arms and some other connected links, which were not twitching
> beforehand, have a small but noticable tremor. The tremor decreases but
> does not vanish when changing the mass value of the upper arm from 3.0 to
> 0.1.
> I did some trial-and-error stuff with the upper arm but could not find or
> fix the problem.
> So does anyone have an idea of how to solve this problem?
> Thanks,
> Ricarda
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