I am using the robot_state_publisher to convert my joint angles to tf transforms.  However, it seems that the robot_state_publisher doesn’t like it when you send it different joints at different times.  In other words, robot_state_publisher doesn’t maintain any state…


For example, my urdf has 2 joints:

Base -> joint1 -> link1 -> joint2 -> link2


If I send it joint1, then at a later time I send it joint 2, I get this error:


Node: /robot_state_publisher

Time: 1285876513.251897000

Severity: Error

Location: /home/arm_user/darpa_arm_software/stacks/robot_model/robot_state_publisher/src/robot_state_publisher.cpp:RobotStatePublisher::publishTransforms:78

Published Topics: /rosout, /tf

Could not compute link poses. The tree or the state is invalid.


But if I send both joints at once, then everything is fine.  This seems like a major limitation to me.  Am I missing something?


I am using boxturtle.  And am using robot_state_publisher running as a node.





Ben Axelrod

Research Scientist

iRobot Corporation

8 Crosby Drive, Mail Stop 8-1

Bedford, MA 01730

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