
We coded something doing that.

You can find it here:

I used usb_cam to publish images from the webcam. Then, the synchroniser node is in optical_synchronizer.

It's still really experimental so you may have to modify things a bit for it to work. If you need more info don't hesitate to contact me.



On 07/10/10 14:13, Jeff Hyams wrote:
I am trying to create a really simple stereo test with two cheap usb cameras.  I understand the basics of using the stereo_proc and calibration packages, but what I want to know is what is the best way to go about creating the actual stereo node that publishes the images.  Is it possible to use two gscam or usb_cam(or something similar) and remap the topics to look like a stereo camera?  I am not really sure how the calibration data would get stored used if I did this.

Or would it make more sense to write an intermediate node that grabs images from two running usb_cam nodes and publishes them as left/right stereo image topics (and receives/processes/publishes the calibration data correctly)?  Is there already a package to do this somewhere?

At this point, my test will be static, so I am not concerned about syncing images or timestamps being absolutely correct.


Jeff Hyams
RE2, Inc.
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