
You can set the initialpose through code by publishing a PoseWithCovarianceStamped message, see:

When you say the robot moves 1/4 meter and then stops, can you give a bit more information. Does move_base abort? Or does it claim to succeed on its goal? Are there obstacles in rviz that prevent the base from moving the full meter? Are you using the exact code in the tutorial? Or have you made modifications? Etc.

Hope all is well,


On Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 7:33 AM, safdar_zaman <> wrote:

Hi Eitan,
thanks. When I sent goal (1 meter forward) via simple_navigation_goals node
through code. Then Robot started rotating on its place and did not move 1
meter forward. Then I again started every thing and opened rviz, Then i gave
it initial pose by clicking on 2D initial pose button and clicking on the
map. After this I resent goal (1 meter forward) via simple_navigation_goals
node through code. This time Robot moved straight but not one meter (almost
1/4 meter then stopped). So I want to know
1. how to give initial pose without clicking on rviz.
2. why Robot moved less than one meter.

thanks and regards
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