<color> element is used by rviz only.   gazebo ignores the <color> tag.  For pretty colors in simulation  you have to use Gazebo materials.

One caveat though, if you are using a COLLADA (.dae) mesh with texture, having a <material> tag will override the mesh texture.


On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 12:40 PM, Patrick Doyle <wpdster@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi John,
Very helpful, as always.  Thank you very much.  Now I understand why
"find . -name "Blue*" didn't help.

Can you tell me if the <color> element in a URDF/world file has any
meaning?  Or should I just use the Gazebo materials.


On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 3:11 PM, John Hsu <johnhsu@willowgarage.com> wrote:
> Hi Patrick,
> the materials for gazebo comes from [gazebo media
> path]/Media/materials/scripts/*.material files.  For example, Gazebo/Blue in
> the example you mentioned is provided by
> gazebo/gazebo/share/gazebo/Media/materials/scripts/Gazebo.material
> where the gazebo package exports the corresponding gazebo_media_path
>     <gazebo gazebo_media_path="${prefix}/gazebo/share/gazebo" />
> in its manifest.xml.
> John
> On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 11:52 AM, Patrick Doyle <wpdster@gmail.com> wrote:
>> When I attempt to set the color of an object, it doesn't seem to
>> change.  Is this expected/known behavior?  If not, can somebody direct
>> me at the correct syntax for setting the color of an object?
>> I have found that I can set the color to blue as shown in
>> http://www.ros.org/wiki/simulator_gazebo/Tutorials/SpawningObjectInSimulation
>> by using a <material> element inside a <gazebo> element.  What colors
>> beside blue are available?  Where would I find those?
>> --wpd
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