To visualize your urdf in rviz, take a look at robot model.  You can publish corresponding frame transforms using tools such as the joint_state_publisher.

To push the urdf to the parameter server, see for example.

hope this helps.

On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 6:43 PM, Patrick Doyle <> wrote:
On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 4:27 PM, John Hsu <> wrote:
> <color> element is used by rviz only.   gazebo ignores the <color> tag.  For
> pretty colors in simulation  you have to use Gazebo materials.

How does rviz use color?  When I've spawned objects in simulation,
they don't show up in the main rviz window, although I can see them in
a camera window.  Is there some way to make spawned objects (or even
world objects) show up in the main rviz window?  It is possible that
I'm not seeing them due to an artifact of my setup -- I run most often
in a VMWare box on my MacBook, and I have noticed a few peculiarities
in this setup, but it kinda works most of the time.

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