
It sounds like you may have an issue with localization or odometry on your robot as move_base thinks it has achieved the desired pose.

To check localization in rviz, drive the robot around and look at how the laser scans match up with the environment. They should line up with walls and other features, if they don't you likely have a problem.

To check your odometry, you'll want to perform a number of tests like rotating the robot in place and watching the laser scans (with a large decay time in rviz) to see what kind of drift you experience and driving the robot straight down a hallway, again looking at the laser scans to see what kind of drift occurs.

You'll need reasonable odometry for localization to work well.

Hope all is well,


On Fri, Oct 15, 2010 at 8:49 AM, safdar_zaman <> wrote:

       secs: 1287133878
       nsecs: 647704158
     id: /simple_navigation_goals-1-1287133878.647704158
   status: 3
   text: Goal reached.
Hi Eitan,
After Robot traveled 50cm I ran rostopic echo move_base/status , it gave
following result meaning Goal achieved:
 seq: 317
   secs: 1287133937
   nsecs: 804322043
 frame_id: ''
       secs: 1287133878
       nsecs: 647704158
     id: /simple_navigation_goals-1-1287133878.647704158
   status: 3
   text: Goal reached.
Then I tried again by decreasing the resolution of the map from 0.05000 to
0.02500, but Robot even then traveled 50cm.
Then I gave checked with decreased controller_frequency from 20.000 to
10.0000 but I did not see any difference because I got the same warning on
the move base that Control loop has missed its desired rate of 20.000 Hz. I
do save the move_base file but decreased frequency does not show any impact.
The Robot moves 50cm and displays the same warning on move_base, and
rostopic echo gives move-base/status as above.

any idea plz?
One thing more, how can I assure that Robot is correctly localized seeing
the rviz?
thanks a lot.

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