NOTE: for discussion, please use ros-developers list The REP, in text and slightly-more-readable html format, is attached. Also note that time to discuss this REP is unfortunately rather tight. Since sensor_msgs/CameraInfo lives in the common_msgs stack, changes to the message definition must be finalized by Oct 22, only one week from today. We can quibble over related issues such as image_geometry API changes after that point, but I want to reach a consensus on the overall design and specific message changes as quickly as possible. If you have a stake in CameraInfo, please take a look as soon as you can. Cheers, Patrick Abstract ======== This REP adds support for binning and alternative distortion models to sensors_msgs/CameraInfo. It clarifies the correct interpretation of region of interest (ROI), including how it interacts with binning and distortion. In this REP, sensor_msgs/CameraInfo acquires binning_x and binning_y fields. The distortion parameter array D is made variable-length, its meaning specified by an enum. This REP clarifies ROI to mean the raw image region as captured by the camera and introduces a distinction between raw ROI and rectified ROI. It adds appropriate new methods to the camera model classes in image_geometry, the recommended API for using CameraInfo.