This definitely sounds like a hardware issue, not a ROS issue.

It sounds to me like you're putting too much weight on the Pioneer, and you'll have to either find a larger platform or find a way to shrink your payload.


On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 6:40 AM, Bera, D. <> wrote:
Dear all,

We ran succesful tests using the ROS navigation stack and ROSARIA with a Pioneer 3 platform. We then modified this platform to carry a payload of 35 -40 kilos. It is stable but wont budge since there is some sort of limiter inside that cuts off power when the current gets above some threshold.
Looking into the ROSARIA package gave us hope that it may be possible to remove these limits by modifying some parameters. We tried maximum accelaration, velocity etc. It did improve a bit but cannot yet go over a carpet for instance. It would be of great help if we could get some insight into how we could resolve this issue.

Thanks and regards,
Debjyoti Bera
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