Hi, I am learning navigation on the robot. And I found that the paper "The Office Marathon: Robust Navigation in an Indoor Office Environment" in the website of "http://www.ros.org/wiki/Papers/ICRA2010_Marder-Eppstein" is very useful and interesting. And I download the code "icra10_navigation_ros", when I type "roslaunch icra_navigation_gazebo blind_corner.launch", the simulation window flashed. And the error as follows: =====================================error================================================ /opt/ros/cturtle/stacks/simulator_gazebo/gazebo/gazebo/bin/gazebo: symbol lookup error: /opt/ros/cturtle/stacks/pr2_controllers/pr2_mechanism_controllers/lib/libpr2_mechanism_controllers.so: undefined symbol: _ZN5boost18condition_variable4waitERNS_11unique_lockINS_5mutexEEE Traceback (most recent call last): File "/opt/ros/cturtle/stacks/pr2_mechanism/pr2_controller_manager/scripts/spawner", line 157, in if __name__ == '__main__': main() File "/opt/ros/cturtle/stacks/pr2_mechanism/pr2_controller_manager/scripts/spawner", line 135, in main resp = load_controller(name) File "/opt/ros/cturtle/ros/core/rospy/src/rospy/impl/tcpros_service.py", line 418, in __call__ return self.call(*args, **kwds) File "/opt/ros/cturtle/ros/core/rospy/src/rospy/impl/tcpros_service.py", line 507, in call raise ServiceException("transport error completing service call: %s"%(str(e))) rospy.service.ServiceException: transport error completing service call: unable to receive data from sender, check sender's logs for details [gazebo-2] process has died [pid 1949, exit code 127]. log files: /home/jolin/.ros/log/64255032-e28f-11df-9383-002454d0c109/gazebo-2*.log ======================================end of error============================================== And the detailed errors in the attachment. But I found "pr2_mechanism_controllers" is good when I type "rosmake". And it includes "rosbuild_link_boost(pr2_mechanism_controllers thread )" in the CMakeLists.txt file of pr2_mechanism_controllers. Why this error happened? And my work environment is C-turtle in Ubuntu 10.04 and my PC is "intel core i5" and "GEFORCE GT 320M". Thanks in advanced.