Hi Patrick,

Your use case sounds best for topics.  Topics tend to be best in streaming applications where reliability is not required and low latency is important.  Services and actions both incur noteable startup and shutdown costs for each call, but they both have mechanisms for being robust to connection failures or reporting mechanisms.   


On Mon, Nov 8, 2010 at 3:42 PM, Patrick Goebel <patrick@casbs.stanford.edu> wrote:
Hello ROS Fans,

I am relatively new to ROS but I have successfully run the navigation
stack on my mobile robot and also have gmapping working with my Hokuyo
laser scanner.  Now I want to turn to something completely different
which is to track a visual target using the pan and tilt servos that
move my robot's head-mounted camera.  I have already done this
successfully using Python outside of ROS and now I would like to try it
with ROS topics and services.

I am using Dynamixel AX-12+ servos connected to an ArbotiX controller
and I have a ROS node provided by the ArbotiX manufacturer (Vanadium
Labs) that includes a joint controller that subscribes to a JointState
topic called cmd_joints and moves the servos accordingly by talking
directly to the ArbotiX.  The same node also provides SetAngle and
SetSpeed services for the same set of servos.  My question is: is it
better to use the services or the cmd_joints topics to move the servos
for head tracking?  In other words, is one considered better ROS
practice or does one method provide a faster response than the other?

P.S. I understand that I might also use ROS actions but for this simple
example, I figured I might get by with services or topics.


Patrick Goebel
Behavioral Sciences
Stanford University
ros-users mailing list

Tully Foote
Systems Engineer
Willow Garage, Inc.
(650) 475-2827