
I'm also still learning to use ROS with the higher goal of getting an Arduino system work with it. I'm experiencing with ROS using a Lego NXT, I'd recommend using it to you as well. There are a quite nice stack for it and after you managed to get do all you need you'll just have to take a look at how the guys made the "drivers".

For "Hello ROS" there is a tutorial at http://www.ros.org/wiki/ROS/StartGuide or for the NXT at http://www.ros.org/wiki/nxt .

Good luck with them :)

Bence Magyar

2010/11/10 mark <mark@mxnet.f2s.com>
Hi Group,

Just looking for some advise here on how I can best use ROS

Where I am now:

        At the moment I've hand crafted s/w. It's broken up into two main parts - the lower level stuff (Running on a SH7032 chip) to control the robot's hardware and communicate with the host system, all reactive behaviours (avoid, escape et al). And the Host system higher level functions (Navigation, Path planning, Mapping etc). More info at http://toeminator.com/Toeminator/ToeminatorIndex.htm

        I'm looking to experiment with the ROS, the point I'd like to get to is have a visual UI of my robots environment, ideally using SLAM (I'm not sure what modules there are for sonar data?) and replicate the host side of the system. To that end I wondered if anyone could give me some starting points. I've had a quick look at the tutorials and loaded the s/w onto a virtual box.

I would guess my simplest starting point would be to develop something that would sit between the current server (Sends/receives data to/from the robot) and the ROS. Which is where I get somewhat lost. What do I need to develop? Is there a common ROS message format? What packages/modules should I be looking to use to get something tangible up and running? Is there a "Hello ROS" starting point I could usefully use. Or am I barking up the completely wrong tree?

Many Thanks


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