Okay, sweet, thanks very much for the suggestion. That will be a big improvement--- there are so many packages in ROS, it's sometimes hard to know when to look for a generic version of what you need versus just rolling a quickie new one.

Teleop seems to be another one of those cases, where individual platforms have their own nodes for it--- there used to be a teleop_base, but now it's deprecated in favour of pr2_teleop, nxt_teleop, etc. So we have our own Clearpath teleop node, but it seems like the basic functionality of turning Joy messages on /joy to appropriately scaled Twist messages on /cmd_vel should be fairly easy to generalize.


On 11 November 2010 14:36, Josh Faust <jfaust@willowgarage.com> wrote:
Runtime remapping is not supported, no.  The mux node in topic_tools provides a generic version of your JoySwitch node:



On Thu, Nov 11, 2010 at 11:22 AM, Mike Purvis <mpurvis@clearpathrobotics.com> wrote:
Hey all,

Is it possible to remap topics (or other names) at runtime?

The reason I ask is this: We have some simple waypoint navigation running with a web gui for our platform, but we like being able to use the web gui to quickly switch over to manual control. Currently, this is implemented with a "JoySwitch" node, which basically acts as a remapper, and which receives its remapping directions from the gui. This seems like a terrible state of affairs, and I'm just wondering what the best course of action is.

Ideally, there'd be some way that the gui could redirect the teleop node's Twist messages over to the platform's namespace without anyone (itself, or any other intermediary) needing to actually receive and resend them. Is this possible? If not, would it be better to have this functionality (the receive and re-send) baked into the gui node itself?



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