Hi Patrick,
can you post your models and model files?  That would help me diagnose the problem.

On Mon, Oct 25, 2010 at 8:42 AM, Patrick McMichael <patrickm@rec.ri.cmu.edu> wrote:

Recently, I've been using cturtle ROS and it's ogre/ode/player/gazebo
simulation environment for my robot.  After successfully constructing
the kinematic, collision, and visual model of my robot, I am now
focusing more on the room in which the robot will operate.

My question is how/why some things in environment models are collision
enabled, and others aren't.  For example, I have two STL models that are
both loaded into the world in the same way (via .model files).  One of
them (the one representing the room walls) seems to automatically result
in collidable walls.  The other basically allows the robot to move right
through it as if it weren't even there.

Any ideas?  Is this a question I should ask somewhere else?  If so, where?


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