On Sat, Nov 13, 2010 at 4:37 PM, Bill Morris <morris@ee.ccny.cuny.edu> wrote:
On Sat, 2010-11-13 at 16:12 -0800, Curt Meyers wrote:
> Does this frequently crash for anyone else?

Yes, it crashes occasionally for me on my laptop if I turn on both the
point cloud and the RGB image data. On a faster machine it's pretty
stable. If you find any problems in our code, let us know.

There also appears to be some performance issues with the libfreenect
driver. If you end up writing patches for the libfreenect driver please
CC us and we can integrate them into libfreenect_install.

OK, I am using a slow machine at home right now.
> Good job by the way. I was playing with the libfreenect last week and
> sat down to write a ros node this weekend and you guys already have it
> done!
> I hope that someone will soon figure out how to get all the other
> stuff working, like the 3 axis accelerometers, microphones and the
> motorized tilt mechanism.

There is working code for the accelerometer and the tilt motor so
integrating it into ROS should be easy once it's supported by

As far as I know, the code for the accelerometers and tilt motors has not been released yet. Have you seen this code?

I have not seen any code yet for the microphones, but I really want to
HARK working.


I worked on that and I don't think HARK will work well with the microphone placement here. It is very sensitive to the shape of the object that the mics are placed on, a big rectangular box is not ideal.