That is an interesting point.. I'm not sure what the best way to handle the get_tilt update is? does anyone else have thoughts?

I have confirmed that the 8th byte is the angle..where positive angles are just the value/2 and negative angles are (255-value)/2 and of course the 9th byte is the moving (0x04), stopped, (0x00), and limit (0x01) as previously stated

2010/11/17 Stéphane Magnenat <>
On 17/11/10 10:49, Melonee Wise wrote:
Yes it's a branch but anyone is welcome to take my changes. I haven't
 added the accelerometer to the driver but I can add it (is there any
 preference on units), I am also trying to find if the current tilt
position is published by the kinect so I can add a get method.

I have forked your rep and added the accelerometers, see [1]. As Matthieu suggested, we might want to use this call to update the tilt position and store it in freenect_device. But the problem is that it will be updated only when the get_accelerometer is called. Do we want to add a thread doing this in background and updating cached values inside freenect_device?

Kind regards,



Dr Stéphane Magnenat

Senior Engineer
Intern Program Director
Willow Garage
68 Willow Rd.
Menlo Park, Ca 94025