There is a wiki page that talks about some of the alignment issues that have come up with ROS on ARM. (take a look at the linked ticket as well). Also take a look at this thread: and perhaps try the -msoft-float option and see if that changes anything.

Hope that helps.

- Eric

On Mon, Nov 22, 2010 at 11:16 PM, Jack O'Quin <> wrote:
On Mon, Nov 22, 2010 at 9:54 PM, Andrew Harris <> wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 22, 2010 at 10:12 PM, Jack O'Quin <> wrote:
>> Could you please post a gdb backtrace of the driver crash? Here's one
>> way to do that...
>>  $ roscd camera1394
>>  $ gdb bin/camera1394_node
> Hi Jack,
>   Thanks for the hint.  I attached a text file gdb run.  When I run
> from gdb can I just type "run"?  (That's what I did).  gdb seemed to
> be unhappy with argc at first...

Yes, that's right. You seem to have captured the SIGILL trap.

It looks like the driver crashes while running the dynamic_reconfigure
callback. That happens initially, even if dynamic reconfigure is not
running. I'm not so clear to me what goes on at that point. I'd guess
dynamic reconfigure is trying to send a message, perhaps to register
its service.

I'm not familiar with ARM tools, but given the illegal instruction I'd
take a close look at the way you compiled everything. Perhaps the
compiler is generating instructions for the wrong chip version or

Maybe someone else is more familiar with this and can suggest what to try next.
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