
This came up before on ros-users. See this message for a response:

It would be useful to be able to initialize from an existing map, but the current gmapping node cannot do it. Perhaps you could take a bagfile recording of the first run, a bagfile of the second and then munge with the timestamps and/or odometry if necessary to be able to play them back sequentially to the same run of gmapping.

- Eric

On Fri, Nov 26, 2010 at 3:01 PM, Patrick Goebel <> wrote:

I have been playing with the amcl and gmapping nodes (truly amazing) and
so far things are working nicely.  One question that I can't seem to
answer from the documentation is this: if I have an existing map from a
previous gmapping session, can I extend it or refine it in a new
session?  For example, suppose my robot maps out only part of my
apartment on a given day.  A few days later, I want to set him loose to
map the rest of the apartment but I'd like to start with the existing
map.  Is this possible?  Gmapping seems to start with a clean slate
whenever it is run.  And I tried running "rosrun mapserver map_saver"
with amcl running but it doesn't look like amcl is updating the map (not
that I was expecting it to).

Patrick Goebel
Behavioral Sciences
Stanford University
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