Yes, I have tested the archive with std::vector and it simply works.

I guess it works also for any collection, which is supported by Boost::serialization framework.
The magic is in the <boost/serialization/vector.hpp> header, not in the archive itself.

For any primitive type always the same xdr_* function is called, so (by the design of XDR)
it does not matter if the caller is 32 or 64 bit (nor if little/big endian).

The only issue I have discovered so far is if you want to serialize OS-dependent type, i.e. pthread_t,
which in case of Linux can be <int> and in case of another OS can be <void *>. This is however
difficult to handle and at the same time easy to avoid.

On Mon, Dec 6, 2010 at 22:49, Troy Straszheim <> wrote:
On Mon, Dec 6, 2010 at 4:34 AM, Piotr Trojanek <> wrote:
> The boost::archive compatible XDR (de)coder is here:

Neat.  You don't handle e.g. serialization::collection_size_type
explicitly;  have you attempted to e.g. send a vector<int> from a 32
bit machine to a 64 bit machine?

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Piotr Trojanek