
 A question about LAGR. In the TR paper referenced in the ROS docs, you say in the intro that the controller accounts for the non-zero turning radius of the robot. However in the control section you mention that it samples trajectories with pure theta-dot as well, but this should not be possible with non-zero turning radius?


Brian Gerkey <>
Sent by:

12/09/2010 12:47 PM
Please respond to
User discussions <>

User discussions <>
Re: [ros-users] controllers for car-like robots

On Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 12:08 PM, <> wrote:
> What we are looking at is something along the lines of LAGR, but in much more constrained spaces (indoor).  I think I will start by modifying DWA. That might be of most use to the ROS community as well.

FWIW, the Trajectory Rollout mode of base_local_planner (set ~dwa to
False) implements an algorithm that we developed some years ago
precisely for the LAGR robot.  It (our earlier implementation, not the
one in base_local_planner) worked very well on that vehicle.

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