Thanks for your reply, please see below

On Mon, Dec 20, 2010 at 3:56 AM, Ken Conley <> wrote:
On Sun, Dec 19, 2010 at 2:05 AM, K Chen <> wrote:
> Hi all:
>       I am new to ROS and still going through the tutorial, when I used
> rxconsole and rxloggerlevel and did not close them until after I launched
> the "mimic turtles", I used Ctrl C to end them respectively, but when I turn
> to rxgraph window to see available node graph, they are still there with
> error "Cannot communicate with ...". I tried rosnode kill and it displayed
> "killed", but when using rosnode list to see present nodes, they are still
> there, so does the rxgraph windows shows.

It sounds like they were killed, but didn't die cleanly. There
shouldn't be any effect on your system other than they show up in

Yes, but I can also see them using command "rosnode list". I don't know how this command works, but I guess this info should come from Master Node, so doesn't it has any mechanism to "kick out" inactive nodes out of ROS network?

>       So I am asking whether this is normal that they cannot be killed, and
> this won't cause anything unexpected ?

This sounds like a bug in rxconsole and rxloggerlevel.  They should
die cleanly on Ctrl-C.

 - Ken
ros-users mailing list


University of Science and Technology of China
School of Computer Science and Technology
