2010/12/20 Pablo Iņigo Blasco <pibgeus@gmail.com>
Hi Brian, Anton and ROS community.

Our group is working with erratic robots. As we talked the ua_erratic_player package is the current official erratic package. So we've been working with it for a while. However it has some lacks, e.g. we can't read sonar sensor values and we can't use neither the vision-ptz actuator nor the ranger-tilt-actuator.

Given that the node implementation uses the player framework it's relatively easy to extend it and add such functionality. We did it but now we have got some doubts about how the design the erratic-node interface following ROS conventions:

- There isn't a standard sonar array message (like e.g. LaserScan.msg), is it? Such kind of message may not have sense since sonar array may not be considered a device itself and it usually has a custom arrangement. e.g. The erratic robot has 8 sonar sensors but they aren't regularly arranged (in the same way as laserscans are: angle_min,angle_mas,angle_increment,etc). In the other hand 8 topics of type (Header/float) don't look a good solution. We're planning to extend the erratic urdf by adding the sonar devices frames and creating a message like this:
string[] frames
float[] ranges

There is actually a standardized message for a sonar.


Should be available in unstable and Diamondback once it's released.

See http://www.ros.org/wiki/sensor_msgs/Reviews/2010-10-04_Ranger_Proposal_API_Review for how we envisioned using that message to send out a "RangeArray". Basically, individual Range message for each sonar, letting tf handle the fact that they have different orientations and locations.

- Eric

- Regarding the vision-ptz actuator. What would be a good way to send commands? JointArray + robot_state_publisher? Maybe a look_at command topic of type Point3D??
- For the ranger-tilt actuator I guess is better a topic of type (Header/float).

What do you think about this? Suggestion, correction or Ideas are welcome.

Thanks in advance.

Pablo Iņigo Blasco.
Computer Architecture Department. Universidad de Sevilla (Spain)
http://es.linkedin.com/in/pibgeus | http://geus.wordpress.com

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