Hi Arkapravo,

ROS interfaces nicely with Stage.  See http://www.ros.org/wiki/simulator_stage.  The only package here is stage, which contains the stageros.cpp wrapper program.  According to http://www.ros.org/wiki/stage, this is simply a ROS provided file that interfaces via libstage.  The version of Stage currently included should be Stage-3.2.2.  There is also a patch file in simulator_stage/stage.  I encourage you to take a look at these files to see exactly how the wrapper works.

Stageros will control a simulated robot and publish odometry, laser scans, and ground truth position.  This is all done through the standard ROS topics (Twist/Odometry/LaserScan/Odometry).

Since the entire Stage is running, you should be able to load in your models and worlds using your familiar methods.  The only functionality "differences" are that some things have not been brought out in our wrapper.  For example, a few of us had to expose ranger functionality, but this has not yet been released.

In summary:
We interface through libstage, so stage itself should be identical in functionality and use.
The only performance concern I can think of is that you should be able to run stage, ROS, and RVIZ simultaneously for full benefit.
If there's something you can't get stage to do that you need but isn't exposed through stageros, let the list know.  It's likely someone else has a patch that would work for you, but we haven't gotten it pushed in officially.

Hopefully this answers some of your questions, as for comparing the player/stage pair to ROS, we have a few resources for that:
http://www.ros.org/wiki/ROS/Introduction#Goals and http://www.ros.org/wiki/FAQ#ROS_vs._Other_Robot_Software_Frameworks.2BAC8-Middlewares are what I've found on a quick search.

OK, I think that covers everything.  If I got something horribly wrong I'm sure someone who knows better (Brian :-P) will correct me.  Hope this helps.

 - Chad

On Tue, Dec 28, 2010 at 2:36 AM, Arkapravo Bhaumik <arkapravobhaumik@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi everyone

I have always used Stage as a Player plugin and a component of the Player Project, than as a ROS package.  Those of you who have used both, can you please inform if the ROS package is any better ? I would guess that functionality will be nearly same - however can you inform me about the performance/ output/ user friendliness ?

Also, I am using Stage 3.2.0, which version does ROS provide ?

Many thanks


Arkapravo Bhaumik
E-mail : arkapravobhaumik@gmail.com
Blogs : http://mobotica.blogspot.com/, http://3chevrons.blogspot.com/
Twitter : @abhaumik
Skype : arkapravo

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