One other tool which depends on correct stack dependencies is rosdep.  The search path for rosdep.yaml rules is determined by those dependencies.


On Dec 29, 2010 2:40 AM, "Ken Conley" <> wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 28, 2010 at 11:19 PM, Patrick Bouffard
> <> wrote:
>> Thanks Ken. I wasn't aware of that usage of roscreate-stack. BTW, I
>> noticed what I guess is a bug in unstable when the --show-deps flag is
>> used:
>> $ roscreate-stack --show-deps .
>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>  File "/opt/ros/unstable/ros/bin/roscreate-stack", line 35, in <module>
>>    roscreate.roscreatestack.roscreatestack_main()
>>  File "/opt/ros/unstable/ros/tools/roscreate/src/roscreate/",
>> line 219, in roscreatestack_main
>>    create_stack(stack, stack_dir, stack_manifest, author, depends,
>> licenses, options.show_deps)
>> UnboundLocalError: local variable 'stack_manifest' referenced before assignment
> Thanks for the report. I didn't even know about the --show-deps flag.
> I learn something new about my own code every day :). I fixed the
> issue in r12666 and added documentation on the --show-deps option to
> the wiki.
>> Regarding extraneous (package) dependencies, thinking about it some
>> more I guess there's no real way to find that out for sure aside from
>> systematically removing one at a time from package's manifest and
>> trying to rebuild that package. Does that make sense?
> Pretty much. As a quicker test, r-grepping for a package name in the
> source is usually a good sniff test. Also keep in mind that roslaunch
> files create implicit dependencies, so 'make' is often not a
> sufficient test -- though the fastidious can use the
> rosbuild_add_roslaunch_check() macro:
> And, of course, the only way to catch Python dependencies is to write
> unit tests as well.
> cheers,
> Ken
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