I want to know probabilities of OccupancyGrid
In the document, OccupancyGrid.msg has int8[] data. and It has value from 0 to 100.

However, When I use slam_gmapping in gmapping with basic data "basic_localization_stage.bag",
I just see the value -1, 0, and 100. there is no other value like 10, 50.
Is it right?

Eunchul Jeon

M.S. Student, Intelligent Systems and Neurobotics lab,
Dept. Computer Science, KAIST
Science town, Daejeon, 305-701, South Korea
TEL: 82 42 350 3580
E-mail: jsharp@kaist.ac.kr, jsharp83@gmail.com
Homepage: http://isnl.kaist.ac.kr