Hi Ugo,

The debugging output suggests that your message filter buffer is only sized with one message which means that if new data comes in faster than the last piece of data can be transformed it will end up dropping everything.  You will need to update the message filter to have a larger buffer.  I believe when we're using this for the PR2 the expected rate of the point cloud arriving is noteably lower than the 30Hz of the Kinect. 


On Mon, Jan 10, 2011 at 9:59 AM, Ugo Cupcic <ugo@shadowrobot.com> wrote:

I'm now trying to get the robot_self_filter self_filter to filter my
robot from my point_cloud.

I tried different parameters but couldn't get it to work. I must be
missing something.

I convert the PointCloud2 from the kinect to a PointCloud on the
topic /camera/depth/points. My robot is publishing tf for all the

I'm getting this warning (you can get a longer log at the end of the
[ WARN] [1294682275.522087372]: MessageFilter
[target=/forearm_motor /palm /wrist ]: Dropped 100.00% of messages so
far. Please turn the [ros.robot_self_filter.message_notifier] rosconsole
logger to DEBUG for more information.

And when I turn [ros.robot_self_filter.message_notifier] to DEBUG:
[DEBUG] [1294682309.075618256]: MessageFilter
[target=/forearm_motor /palm /wrist ]: Removed oldest message because
buffer is full, count now 1 (frame_id=openni_rgb_optical_frame,
[DEBUG] [1294682309.083288116]: MessageFilter
[target=/forearm_motor /palm /wrist ]: Added message in frame
openni_rgb_optical_frame at time 1294682308.958, count now 1
[DEBUG] [1294682309.172117748]: MessageFilter
[target=/forearm_motor /palm /wrist ]: Removed oldest message because
buffer is full, count now 1 (frame_id=openni_rgb_optical_frame,
[DEBUG] [1294682309.186250788]: MessageFilter
[target=/forearm_motor /palm /wrist ]: Added message in frame
openni_rgb_optical_frame at time 1294682309.015, count now 1

Here are the parameters I use: http://pastebin.com/j0PFthsJ
And the self_filter.yaml file associated with it:

Any idea?



process[point_cloud_converter-1]: started with pid [25587]
process[kinect_self_filter-2]: started with pid [25588]
process[fixed_to_kinect-3]: started with pid [25590]
process[objects_database_node-4]: started with pid [25599]
process[tabletop_node-5]: started with pid [25609]
[ INFO] [1294681799.315133466]: PointCloudConverter initialized to
transform from PointCloud (/points_in) to PointCloud2 (/points2_out).
[ INFO] [1294681799.315232322]: PointCloudConverter initialized to
transform from PointCloud2 (/camera/depth/points2) to PointCloud
process[shadowhand-6]: started with pid [25668]
process[srh_robot_state_publisher_pos-7]: started with pid [25673]
process[srh_robot_state_publisher_target-8]: started with pid [25678]
process[fixed_frame_pos_pub-9]: started with pid [25686]
process[fixed_frame_target_pub-10]: started with pid [25691]
[ INFO] [1294681799.502376239]: Self see link name palm padding 0.01
[ INFO] [1294681799.502613585]: Self see link name wrist padding 0.01
[ INFO] [1294681799.502656984]: Self see link name forearm_motor padding
process[diagnostic_aggregator-11]: started with pid [25699]
process[cluster_bounding_box_finder-12]: started with pid [25704]
[ INFO] [1294681799.516574739]: waitForService: Service
[/objects_database_node/get_model_mesh] has not been advertised,
[ INFO] [1294681799.576603709]: waitForService: Service
[/objects_database_node/get_model_mesh] is now available.
[ INFO] [1294681799.634490455]: Object detector: loading object models
[ INFO] [1294681799.915475927]:   Loaded database model with id 18800
[INFO] 1294681800.338782: cluster bounding box finder is ready for
[ INFO] [1294681800.405700842]:   Loaded database model with id 18798
[ INFO] [1294681800.575854702]:   Loaded database model with id 18783
[ INFO] [1294681801.802315743]:   Loaded database model with id 18665
[ INFO] [1294681802.502216302]:   Loaded database model with id 18685
[ INFO] [1294681802.761398979]:   Loaded database model with id 18802
[ WARN] [1294681803.166936016]: Message from [/point_cloud_converter]
has a non-fully-qualified frame_id [openni_rgb_optical_frame]. Resolved
locally to [/openni_rgb_optical_frame].  This is will likely not work in
multi-robot systems.  This message will only print once.
[ INFO] [1294681809.383327638]: Object detector: loading complete
[ WARN] [1294681814.531755631]: MessageFilter
[target=/forearm_motor /palm /wrist ]: Dropped 100.00% of messages so
far. Please turn the [ros.robot_self_filter.message_notifier] rosconsole
logger to DEBUG for more information.

Ugo Cupcic | Shadow Robot Company | ugo@shadowrobot.com
Software Engineer | 251 Liverpool Road |
need a Hand? | London N1 1LX | +44 20 7700 2487
http://www.shadowrobot.com/hand/ @shadowrobot

ros-users mailing list

Tully Foote
Systems Engineer
Willow Garage, Inc.
(650) 475-2827