Thanks for the heads up. I'll try to compile coriander, but it looks like I may need some dependencies and it may take a while to compile them. 

In the meantime, how's your french? The coriander website has a link to a whole page devoted to iSight, but it is in French =(

Google translation:

Note that the bash script is not translated well, but is perfectly visible in the original french page. 

I'm not sure if this gives you the information you (and I) require. 


On Jan 13, 2011, at 8:05 PM, Jack O'Quin wrote:

On Thu, Jan 13, 2011 at 7:26 PM, Nicholas Butko <> wrote:
So, the attached patch works for me (no runtime loading errors).
This is something I have been meaning to ask Jack about, because it has been
interfering with my use of OpenCV. When I try to use libdc1394 as a camera
module, I get errors from my firewire iSight camera. This is the only
firewire camera I currently have access to, so I don't know if it's a
general problem. As a consequence, I have had to specifically compile OpenCV
*without* libdc1394 support.
So, my question for Jack is, do you know what would cause the following
errors (this time from camera1394_node, but the same errors from OpenCV),
and can they be easily fixed?:
dyn137-110-111-179:camera1394 rubinet$ rosrun camera1394 camera1394_node
[ INFO] [1294967830.200268000]: Found camera with GUID a27000413c783
[ INFO] [1294967830.200455000]: No guid specified, using first camera found,
GUID: a27000413c783
[ INFO] [1294967830.200533000]: camera model: Apple Computer, Inc. iSight
[ INFO] [1294967830.210187000]: [000a27000413c783] opened: 640x480_mono8, 15
fps, 400 Mb/s
libdc1394 warning: packet 421 had unexpected sync (14000a1)
libdc1394 warning: packet 479 had error status 0
[ WARN] [1294967830.723671000]: [000a27000413c783] calibration does not
match video mode (publishing uncalibrated data)
libdc1394 warning: packet 479 had error status 0
libdc1394 warning: packet 479 had error status 0
libdc1394 warning: packet 479 had error status 0
libdc1394 warning: packet 479 had error status 0
libdc1394 warning: packet 479 had error status 0
libdc1394 warning: packet 479 had error status 0
libdc1394 warning: packet 479 had error status 0
libdc1394 warning: packet 479 had error status 0
libdc1394 warning: packet 479 had error status 0
libdc1394 warning: packet 479 had error status 0
libdc1394 warning: packet 479 had error status 0
libdc1394 warning: packet 479 had error status 0
libdc1394 warning: packet 479 had error status 0
libdc1394 warning: packet 479 had error status 0
libdc1394 warning: packet 479 had error status 0
libdc1394 warning: packet 479 had error status 0


Thanks for the patch, Nick.

It seems that libdc1394 is not working with your camera. The driver
was able to open the device successfully. Those warning messages come
from the library, not the driver.

If coriander is available on OSX, you might try experimenting with
that. See if you can find parameter settings that work, then try the
equivalent settings with camera1394. The default settings
(640x480_mono8, 15 fps, 400 Mb/s) work with most cameras, but not
necessarily all of them.

On Thu, Jan 13, 2011 at 3:40 PM, Brian Gerkey <>

On Thu, Jan 13, 2011 at 1:07 PM, Jack O'Quin <> wrote:
I could really use some help to fix defect #4659 in camera1394:

Briefly, it seems we need to set OS-specific link flags to resolve the
driver's reference to libdc1394.

I haven't tried it, but if I understand the problem, then something
like this should do it:

 target_link_libraries(camera1394_node dc1394 "-framework CoreServices")
 target_link_libraries(camera1394_node dc1394)

Thanks for both the patches. They look equivalent, although this one
looks simpler.

I also need a rosdeps stanza for libdc1394 on OSX. Any ideas about
that? (Or, examples I can study?)
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