Hello ROS users:

I am using the sicktoolbox_wrapper to interface with the SICKlms200 lidar. When I run the node, the terminal indicates that the data stream has started but seconds later the following warning message is displayed over and over again:

A scan was probably missed. The last scan was 0.10704 seconds ago. sicklms

In spite of this, I can still successfully see the readings of the lidar in rviz. The only trouble I have is that gmapping isn't working properly, I don't know if this warning from the sicklms node has something to do.

I have already verifed that slam_gmapping is making the transform between /odom and /map. And I have a configuration for the transforms /odom->base_link->laser

The message displayed by gmapping is the following:

ros Dropped 100.00% of messages so far. Please turn the [ros.gmapping.message_notifier] rosconsole logger to DEBUG for more information.

I would really appreciate some help.

Kind regards!

Laura Isabel Galíndez Olascoaga