
On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 12:44 PM, laura galindez <> wrote:
Hello ROS users:

I am using the sicktoolbox_wrapper to interface with the SICKlms200 lidar. When I run the node, the terminal indicates that the data stream has started but seconds later the following warning message is displayed over and over again:

A scan was probably missed. The last scan was 0.10704 seconds ago. sicklms

In spite of this, I can still successfully see the readings of the lidar in rviz. The only trouble I have is that gmapping isn't working properly, I don't know if this warning from the sicklms node has something to do.

See for a ticket about that warning. How is your SICK connected to the computer? RS232 or RS422? With or without a USB->Serial adapter? At what rate should you be getting scans from the LIDAR as currently configured? 10Hz?

Is the SICK driver set to less than one degree of angular resolution? I only see this warning with my LMS291's when they are set to 0.5 degree angle increments. With 1 degree increments the warning is not output.

I have already verifed that slam_gmapping is making the transform between /odom and /map. And I have a configuration for the transforms /odom->base_link->laser

The message displayed by gmapping is the following:

ros Dropped 100.00% of messages so far. Please turn the [ros.gmapping.message_notifier] rosconsole logger to DEBUG for more information.

You can use rxconsole ( to enable this debugging output by changing the logging level of the above named logger. Without actual error messages, it's not clear if this is related to the SICK timing warning or not.

- Eric

I would really appreciate some help.

Kind regards!

Laura Isabel Galíndez Olascoaga

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