Can you check what version of the common stack you are running?

> roscd common
> cat CMakeLists.txt

You'll see something like rosbuild_make_distribution(1.x.x)

isServerConnected was added in Common 1.2.0.  If you have an up-to-date C-Turtle release, it should definitely be there.

> should I also check that isServerConnected? before the waitForServer? or isServerConnected just similar to waitForServer but return immediately? in this case, it is probably better to use it in place of waitForServer.

In the actual implementation, waitForServer actually repeatedly calls isServerConnected until the timeout is reached or the server connects.  Thus, for your case, you should probably just use isServerConnected.


On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 1:17 AM, Felix Ingrand <> wrote:
Hi Vijay,

On 3 févr. 2011, at 22:33, Vijay Pradeep wrote:

> Hi Felix,
> Waiting for Server:
> Instead of calling waitForServer(), you can repeatedly call isServerConnected()
> Refer to the docs: SimpleActionClient::isServerConnected()

Is SimpleActionClient::isServerConnected() a recent addition? it does not seem to be define in my:


while it is indeed in :

Or am I including the wrong simple_action_client.h?

PS: I am using the Ubuntu 10.4 VirtualBox appliance provided by WG, and which I regularly update.
The danger of science denial:


Vijay Pradeep
Systems Engineer
Willow Garage, Inc.