Hi Gonçalo

Have a look at this Gazebo screen-shot;


This is definitely not jaw dropping ! ... but this is what I have immediately.

I will try if I can get anything better.



2011/2/5 Gonçalo Cabrita <goncabrita@gmail.com>
Hi everyone!

The ROS day at ISR is happening! I made a wiki page for the event at


The reason for this mail however is that I would like to refer Stage and Gazebo on my presentation, however I have never used Gazebo and I need a cool screenshot.

Could anyone send me a nice screenshot from Gazebo running? Something that will make the audience jaws drop!

Thanks in advance!

Gonçalo Cabrita
ISR University of Coimbra

2010/11/25 Gonçalo Cabrita <goncabrita@gmail.com>

Arkapravo Bhaumik
E-mail : arkapravobhaumik@gmail.com
Blogs : http://mobotica.blogspot.com/, http://3chevrons.blogspot.com/
Twitter : @abhaumik
Skype : arkapravo