Take a look at http://www.ros.org/wiki/laser_assembler for assembling a bunch of planar scans into 1 point cloud. 

Once you have a point cloud, you should be able to use anything that operates on point clouds, such as PCL ( http://www.ros.org/wiki/pcl ), to do the volume extraction.

- Eric

On Mon, Feb 7, 2011 at 12:32 PM, Willy Lambert <lambert.willy@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi all,

I am using a Hokuyo laser range sensor scanning horizontally  on a vertical translating rail thus having 3D scan of the world. I would like to extract some 3D volume of it (such as cubes). I am not used to play with such data acquisition so I wonder if it already exist some marvellous ROS package doing such scan extraction. In fact I am sure that PR2 are using it with a rotation of the scanner, that's why I am asking here.

I may need to read some documentation to have the "keyword" of 3D extraction, do not hesitate to give me some readings not to loose your time in "noob" questions.

P.S.: a friend of mine is in copy because not on the list. I am sure he'll be converted to the power of ROS after this :p

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