2011/2/8 Willy Lambert <lambert.willy@gmail.com>

2011/2/8 Steven Bellens <steven.bellens@mech.kuleuven.be>
2011/2/8 Willy Lambert <lambert.willy@gmail.com>:
> 2011/2/8 Willy Lambert <lambert.willy@gmail.com>
>> 2011/2/8 Willy Lambert <lambert.willy@gmail.com>
>>> 2011/2/8 Steven Bellens <steven.bellens@mech.kuleuven.be>
>>>> 2011/2/7 Willy Lambert <lambert.willy@gmail.com>:
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > 2011/2/7 Steven Bellens <steven.bellens@mech.kuleuven.be>
>>>> >>
>>>> >> [...]
>>>> >>
>>>> >> >>
>>>> >> >> I've pushed a fixed for this to the orocos_toolchain_ros_0.2
>>>> >> >> branch.
>>>> >> >> Other branches will be updated when Ruben triggers a new release.
>>>> >> >
>>>> >> > Ok thanks. I am a bit lost with versionning and compatibility.
>>>> >> > May I have a proper install with cturtle or diamonback with the
>>>> >> > orocos_toolchain_ros_0.2  ? Or should I only wait for next release
>>>> >> > (if
>>>> >> > so I
>>>> >> > would be glad to have a goal of it, with no guarantee of course,
>>>> >> > but
>>>> >> > i'll
>>>> >> > help my scheduling)
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Ruben did a new release of the orocos_toolchain_ros packages this
>>>> >> morning. It will take some time before the software is available, as
>>>> >> it needs to pass some tests on the ROS build farm first. It then
>>>> >> should be available for installation when a new release is triggered
>>>> >> at willowgarage (no idea when this will be).
>>>> >>
>>>> >> In the meantime you can of course work on the git repositories. We're
>>>> >> deleting the orocos_toolchain_ros_0.2 branch and continue development
>>>> >> on master (as they both serve the same purpose anyway). This
>>>> >> development is diamondback based. If you work with cturtle - use the
>>>> >> cturtle_next branch.
>>>> >>
>>>> >
>>>> > as diamondback is still not installing properly on my pc I can't test
>>>> > it.
>>>> >
>>>> > In my cturtle installation I used the cturtle_next as you suggested,
>>>> > from
>>>> > scratch (so no git problem), using
>>>> > http://www.ros.org/wiki/orocos_toolchain_ros
>>>> > and "cturtle_next" instead of cturtle
>>>> >
>>>> >  but it is still not ok :
>>>> >
>>>> > ard@ard-host-v5:~/ros$ rosdep install orocos_toolchain_ros
>>>> > Invalid manifest
>>>> >
>>>> > file[/home/ard/ros/orocos_toolchain_ros/rtt_exercises/rtt-exercises/hello-7-deployment/manifest.xml]:
>>>> > missing required 'license' element
>>>> > ........... and so many others
>>>> > ERROR: QUITTING: due to conflicting rosdep definitions, please resolve
>>>> > this
>>>> > conflict.
>>>> > Rules for ruby do not match:
>>>> >     ruby [/home/ard/ros/ros/rosdep.yaml]
>>>> >     ruby1.8-dev libruby1.8
>>>> > [/home/ard/ros/orocos_toolchain_ros/rosdep.yaml]
>>>> > ard@ard-host-v5:~/ros$
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > ard@ard-host-v5:~/ros/orocos_toolchain_ros$ rosmake
>>>> > [ rosmake ] No package specified.  Building stack
>>>> > ['orocos_toolchain_ros']
>>>> > [ rosmake ] Packages requested are:
>>>> > ['orocos_toolchain_ros']
>>>> > [ rosmake ] Logging to
>>>> > directory/home/ard/.ros/rosmake/rosmake_output-20110207-210422
>>>> > [ rosmake ] Expanded args ['orocos_toolchain_ros'] to:
>>>> > ['log4cpp', 'rtt_ros_integration_example', 'ocl', 'utilrb', 'typelib',
>>>> > 'rtt', 'hello-7-deployment', 'helloworld', 'hello-2-properties',
>>>> > 'hello-5-services', 'controller-1', 'hello-3-dataports',
>>>> > 'hello-6-scripting', 'hello-1-task-execution', 'hello-4-operations',
>>>> > 'utilmm', 'orogen', 'rtt_ros_integration_nav_msgs',
>>>> > 'rtt_ros_integration',
>>>> > 'rtt_ros_param', 'rtt_ros_integration_geometry_msgs',
>>>> > 'rtt_ros_integration_roslib_msgs', 'rtt_ros_integration_std_msgs']
>>>> > [ rosmake ] Checking rosdeps compliance for packages
>>>> > orocos_toolchain_ros.
>>>> > This may take a few
>>>> > seconds.
>>>> > Invalid manifest
>>>> >
>>>> > file[/home/ard/ros/orocos_toolchain_ros/rtt_exercises/rtt-exercises/hello-7-deployment/manifest.xml]:
>>>> > missing required 'license' element
>>>> >  ..................... and so many other
>>>> > QUITTING: due to conflicting rosdep definitions, please resolve this
>>>> > conflict.
>>>> > Rules for ruby do not match:
>>>> >     ruby [/home/ard/ros/ros/rosdep.yaml]
>>>> >     ruby1.8-dev libruby1.8
>>>> > [/home/ard/ros/orocos_toolchain_ros/rosdep.yaml]
>>>> > [ rosmake ] rosdep check passed all system dependencies in
>>>> > packages
>>>> > [ rosmake ] Starting >>>
>>>> > tools/rospack
>>>> > [ rosmake ] Finished <<<
>>>> > tools/rospack
>>>> > [ rosmake ] Starting >>>
>>>> > 3rdparty/gtest
>>>> > [ rosmake ] Finished <<<
>>>> > 3rdparty/gtest
>>>> > [ rosmake ] Starting >>>
>>>> > core/genmsg_cpp
>>>> > [ rosmake ] Finished <<<
>>>> > core/genmsg_cpp
>>>> > [rosmake-0] Starting >>> log4cpp [ make
>>>> > ]
>>>> > [rosmake-1] Starting >>> roslang [ make
>>>> > ]
>>>> > [rosmake-1] Finished <<< roslang  No Makefile in package
>>>> > roslang
>>>> > [rosmake-1] Starting >>> roslib [ make
>>>> > ]
>>>> > [rosmake-1] Finished <<< roslib [PASS] [ 0.91 seconds
>>>> > ]
>>>> > [rosmake-1] Starting >>> xmlrpcpp [ make
>>>> > ]
>>>> > [rosmake-1] Finished <<< xmlrpcpp [PASS] [ 0.37 seconds
>>>> > ]
>>>> > [rosmake-1] Starting >>> rosconsole [ make
>>>> > ]
>>>> > [rosmake-1] Finished <<< rosconsole [PASS] [ 0.69 seconds
>>>> > ]
>>>> > [rosmake-1] Starting >>> roscpp [ make
>>>> > ]
>>>> > [rosmake-1] Finished <<< roscpp [PASS] [ 1.30 seconds
>>>> > ]
>>>> > [rosmake-1] Starting >>> rtt [ make
>>>> > ]
>>>> > [ rosmake ] Output from build of package log4cpp written
>>>> > to:
>>>> > [ 2 Active 7/45 Complete ]
>>>> > [ rosmake ]
>>>> >
>>>> > /home/ard/.ros/rosmake/rosmake_output-20110207-210422/log4cpp/build_output.log
>>>> > [rosmake-0] Finished <<< log4cpp [PASS] [ 56.40 seconds ] -- WARNING:
>>>> > 1
>>>> > compiler
>>>> > warnings
>>>> > [rosmake-0] Starting >>> rosbuild [ make
>>>> > ]
>>>> > [rosmake-0] Finished <<< rosbuild  No Makefile in package
>>>> > rosbuild
>>>> > [rosmake-0] Starting >>> std_msgs [ make
>>>> > ]
>>>> > [rosmake-0] Finished <<< std_msgs [PASS] [ 5.61 seconds
>>>> > ]
>>>> > [rosmake-0] Starting >>> utilrb [ make
>>>> > ]
>>>> > [ rosmake ] Output from build of package utilrb written
>>>> > to:]
>>>> > [ 2 Active 10/45 Complete ]
>>>> > [ rosmake ]
>>>> >
>>>> > /home/ard/.ros/rosmake/rosmake_output-20110207-210422/utilrb/build_output.log
>>>> > [rosmake-0] Finished <<< utilrb [PASS] [ 49.13 seconds ] -- WARNING: 1
>>>> > compiler
>>>> > warnings
>>>> > [rosmake-0] Starting >>> utilmm [ make
>>>> > ]
>>>> > [ rosmake ] Last 40 linest: 110.4 sec ] [ utilmm: 2.5 sec
>>>> > ]
>>>> > [ 2 Active 11/45 Complete ]
>>>> >
>>>> > {-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> >   if [ ! -f utilmm.md5sum ]; then echo "Error: Couldn't find md5sum
>>>> > file
>>>> > utilmm.md5sum" && false; fi
>>>> >   `rospack find rosbuild`/bin/download_checkmd5.py
>>>> >
>>>> > http://people.mech.kuleuven.be/~sbellens/orocos-toolchain/orocos-toolchain-utilmm-v2.1.0.tar.gz
>>>> > build/v2.1.0 `awk {'print $1'} utilmm.md5sum`
>>>> >   [rosbuild] Downloading
>>>> >
>>>> > http://people.mech.kuleuven.be/~sbellens/orocos-toolchain/orocos-toolchain-utilmm-v2.1.0.tar.gz
>>>> > to build/v2.1.0...Done
>>>> >   [rosbuild] Checking md5sum on build/v2.1.0
>>>> >   touch -c build/v2.1.0
>>>> >   rm -rf build/orocos-toolchain-utilmm
>>>> >   cd build; tar xzf ../build/v2.1.0
>>>> >   cd build/orocos-toolchain-utilmm &&  patch -p0 < ../../utilmm.patch;
>>>> >   patching file CMakeLists.txt
>>>> >   touch build/orocos-toolchain-utilmm/unpacked
>>>> >   mkdir -p bin
>>>> >   cd build && cmake -Wdev -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=`rospack find
>>>> > rosbuild`/rostoolchain.cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`rospack find
>>>> > utilmm`/install ..
>>>> >   -- The C compiler identification is GNU
>>>> >   -- The CXX compiler identification is GNU
>>>> >   -- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/gcc
>>>> >   -- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/gcc -- works
>>>> >   -- Detecting C compiler ABI info
>>>> >   -- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
>>>> >   -- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++
>>>> >   -- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++ -- works
>>>> >   -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
>>>> >   -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
>>>> >   [rosbuild] Building package utilmm
>>>> >   [rosbuild] Cached build flags older than manifests; calling rospack
>>>> > to get
>>>> > flags
>>>> >   [rosbuild] Including
>>>> > /home/ard/ros/ros/core/roscpp/cmake/roscpp.cmake
>>>> >   [rosbuild] Including /home/ard/ros/ros/core/rospy/cmake/rospy.cmake
>>>> >   [rosbuild] Including
>>>> > /home/ard/ros/ros/core/roslisp/cmake/roslisp.cmake
>>>> >   -- Found The Following Boost Libraries:
>>>> >   --   unit_test_framework
>>>> >   -- Boost Version: 1.42.0
>>>> >   -- cannot find boost/graph
>>>> >   CMake Error at
>>>> > build/orocos-toolchain-utilmm/cmake/FindBoost.cmake:367
>>>> > (MESSAGE):
>>>> >     Boost and/or some required components not found.  Please install
>>>> > the
>>>> > Boost
>>>> >     libraries AND development packages
>>>> >   Call Stack (most recent call first):
>>>> >     build/orocos-toolchain-utilmm/CMakeLists.txt:9 (FIND_PACKAGE)
>>>> And do you actually have these installed? The boost dependency
>>>> packages are defined in $(find ros)/rosdep.yaml (you can find out with
>>>> 'rosdep where_defined boost'). I see there is no boost-graph entry for
>>>> the debian platform. You'll have to add something like
>>>> 'libboost-dev-graph' for your platform most probably. I'll switch to
>>>> CTurtle and see if I can get the ruby conflict sorted out.
>>> You are rigth, the OS dependencies are different from ubuntu to debian.
>>> For debian it's a list of packages since in debian it's "all" package. So I
>>> had to queue libboost-graph-dev in my ros/rosdep.yaml.
>> It works ! Thanks a lot
> Is it done on purpose that env.sh doesn't contain ocl binary paths (for
> accessing deployer for example) ? It is the behavior of the standard Orocos
> toolchain

The standard way to run executables in ROS packages is with rosrun, e.g;

rosrun ocl deployer-gnulinux

Oh yes ! I still don't have the ROS reflexes :)

it answers :
ard@ard-host-v5:/media/DD_data/home/ard$ rosrun ocl deployer-gnulinux
[rosrun] You have chosen a non-unique executable, please pick one of the following:
1) /home/ard/ros/orocos_toolchain_ros/ocl/bin/deployer-gnulinux
2) /home/ard/ros/orocos_toolchain_ros/ocl/install/bin/deployer-gnulinux

 I know there are egal because one is the "make installed" version of the other, by I find it is strange and prevent from starting it automatically after boot (of course I have solutions to avoid this, but the rosway should work no ?)

I makes me thinking about folder size and orocos_toolchain_ros is 1,7Gb on my computer x-(  I know there is some hard work on code size reduction on the Orocos side but nearly 2gb is quite huge.

Does it exist a "rosmake clean" instruction ?



>> Here are some compiler warning, mainly from Orocos side I think (maybe you
>> already know them but anyway) :
>> utilrb :
>> /usr/bin/ld: warning: cannot find entry symbol xport-dynamic-module;
>> defaulting to 0000000000001990
>> make[1]: quittant le répertoire «
>> /media/DD_data/home/ard/ros/orocos_toolchain_ros/utilrb/build/orocos-toolchain-utilrb/ext
>> »
>> touch installed
>> typelib
>> [ 36%] Building CXX object
>> build/orocos-toolchain-typelib/bindings/ruby/CMakeFiles/typelib_ruby.dir/ext/value.o
>> /home/ard/ros/orocos_toolchain_ros/typelib/build/orocos-toolchain-typelib/bindings/ruby/ext/value.cc:495:
>> warning: ‘void type$
>> ...
>> [ 56%] Building CXX object
>> build/orocos-toolchain-typelib/lang/cimport/CMakeFiles/typeLang_c.dir/Dictionary.o
>> /home/ard/ros/orocos_toolchain_ros/typelib/build/orocos-toolchain-typelib/lang/cimport/Dictionary.cc:
>> In member function ‘virtual int Dictionary::hash(const std::string&)’:
>> /home/ard/ros/orocos_toolchain_ros/typelib/build/orocos-toolchain-typelib/lang/cimport/Dictionary.cc:161:
>> warning: array subscript has type ‘char’
>> /home/ard/ros/orocos_toolchain_ros/typelib/build/orocos-toolchain-typelib/lang/cimport/Dictionary.cc:163:
>> warning: array subscript has type ‘char’
>> ...
>> [ 68%] Building CXX object
>> build/orocos-toolchain-typelib/lang/cimport/CMakeFiles/typeLang_c.dir/CPPParser.o
>> cparser.g: In member function ‘CPPParser::TypeQualifier
>> CPPParser::type_qualifier()’:
>> cparser.g:366: warning: ‘tq’ may be used uninitialized in this function
>> cparser.g:366: note: ‘tq’ was declared here
>> cparser.g: In member function ‘CPPParser::StorageClass
>> CPPParser::storage_class_specifier()’:
>> cparser.g:359: warning: ‘sc’ may be used uninitialized in this function
>> cparser.g:359: note: ‘sc’ was declared here
>> cparser.g: In member function ‘int CPPParser::int_constant()’:
>> cparser.g:1212: warning: ‘value’ may be used uninitialized in this
>> function
>> cparser.g:1212: note: ‘value’ was declared here
>> cparser.g: In member function ‘int
>> CPPParser::int_constant_unary_expression()’:
>> cparser.g:1205: warning: ‘sign’ may be used uninitialized in this function
>> cparser.g:1205: note: ‘sign’ was declared here
>> cparser.g: In member function ‘int
>> CPPParser::int_constant_add_expression()’:
>> cparser.g:1176: warning: ‘sign’ may be used uninitialized in this function
>> cparser.g:1176: note: ‘sign’ was declared here
>> cparser.g: In member function ‘void CPPParser::enumerator()’:
>> cparser.g:512: warning: ‘value’ may be used uninitialized in this function
>> cparser.g:512: note: ‘value’ was declared here
>> cparser.g: In member function ‘long int
>> CPPParser::class_specifier(CPPParser::DeclSpecifier)’:
>> cparser.g:462: warning: ‘ts’ may be used uninitialized in this function
>> cparser.g:462: note: ‘ts’ was declared here
>> cparser.g: In member function ‘long int
>> CPPParser::type_specifier(CPPParser::DeclSpecifier)’:
>> cparser.g:371: warning: ‘ts’ may be used uninitialized in this function
>> cparser.g:371: note: ‘ts’ was declared here
>>>> Steven
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >   -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
>>>> >
>>>> > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
>>>> > [ rosmake ] Output from build of package utilmm written to:
>>>> > [ rosmake ]
>>>> >
>>>> > /home/ard/.ros/rosmake/rosmake_output-20110207-210422/utilmm/build_output.log
>>>> > [rosmake-0] Finished <<< utilmm [FAIL] [ 2.55 seconds
>>>> > ]
>>>> > [ rosmake ] Halting due to failure in package utilmm.
>>>> > [ rosmake ] Waiting for other threads to
>>>> > complete.
>>>> > [rosmake-1] Finished <<< rtt [PASS] [ 262.82 seconds
>>>> > ]
>>>> > [ rosmake ]
>>>> > Results:
>>>> > [ rosmake ] Built 13 packages with 1
>>>> > failures.
>>>> > [ rosmake ] Summary output to
>>>> > directory
>>>> > [ rosmake ]
>>>> > /home/ard/.ros/rosmake/rosmake_output-20110207-210422
>>>> > ard@ard-host-v5:~/ros/orocos_toolchain_ros$
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >>
>>>> >> regards,
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Steven
>>>> >>
>>>> >> >
>>>> >> >
>>>> >> >>
>>>> >> >> Steven
>>>> >> >>
>>>> >> >> >
>>>> >> >> >
>>>> >> >> >
>>>> >> >> >>
>>>> >> >> >>
>>>> >> >> >>>
>>>> >> >> >>>
>>>> >> >> >>>>>
>>>> >> >> >>>>> regards,
>>>> >> >> >>>>>
>>>> >> >> >>>>> Steven
>>>> >> >> >>>>>
>>>> >> >> >>>>>
>>>> >> >> >>>>> >
>>>> >> >> >>>>> >
>>>> >> >> >>>>> >
>>>> >> >> >>>>> >
>>>> >> >> >>>>> >>
>>>> >> >> >>>>> >> > At the end it seems to have work properly as I have
>>>> >> >> >>>>> >> > this in
>>>> >> >> >>>>> >> > the
>>>> >> >> >>>>> >> > folder
>>>> >> >> >>>>> >> > (and
>>>> >> >> >>>>> >> > succeed a build yesterday) :
>>>> >> >> >>>>> >> >
>>>> >> >> >>>>> >> >
>>>> >> >> >>>>> >> >
>>>> >> >> >>>>> >> >
>>>> >> >> >>>>> >> > ard@ard-host-v5:/media/DD_data/home/ard/ros/orocos_toolchain_ros$
>>>> >> >> >>>>> >> > ls
>>>> >> >> >>>>> >> > CMakeLists.txt  env.sh    ocl     rosdep.yaml
>>>> >> >> >>>>> >> > rtt_exercises
>>>> >> >> >>>>> >> > rtt_ros_integration_example   stack.xml  utilmm
>>>> >> >> >>>>> >> > env.mk          Makefile  orogen  rtt
>>>> >> >> >>>>> >> > rtt_ros_integration
>>>> >> >> >>>>> >> > rtt_ros_integration_std_msgs  typelib    utilrb
>>>> >> >> >>>>> >> >
>>>> >> >> >>>>> >> >
>>>> >> >> >>>>> >> >
>>>> >> >> >>>>> >> > ard@ard-host-v5:/media/DD_data/home/ard/ros/orocos_toolchain_ros$
>>>> >> >> >>>>> >> >
>>>> >> >> >>>>> >> >
>>>> >> >> >>>>> >> >
>>>> >> >> >>>>> >> > _______________________________________________
>>>> >> >> >>>>> >> > ros-users mailing list
>>>> >> >> >>>>> >> > ros-users@code.ros.org
>>>> >> >> >>>>> >> > https://code.ros.org/mailman/listinfo/ros-users
>>>> >> >> >>>>> >> >
>>>> >> >> >>>>> >> >
>>>> >> >> >>>>> >> --
>>>> >> >> >>>>> >> Orocos-Users mailing list
>>>> >> >> >>>>> >> Orocos-Users@lists.mech.kuleuven.be
>>>> >> >> >>>>> >>
>>>> >> >> >>>>> >> http://lists.mech.kuleuven.be/mailman/listinfo/orocos-users
>>>> >> >> >>>>> >
>>>> >> >> >>>>> >
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>>>> >> >> >>>>> > ros-users mailing list
>>>> >> >> >>>>> > ros-users@code.ros.org
>>>> >> >> >>>>> > https://code.ros.org/mailman/listinfo/ros-users
>>>> >> >> >>>>> >
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>>>> >> >> >>>>> ros-users mailing list
>>>> >> >> >>>>> ros-users@code.ros.org
>>>> >> >> >>>>> https://code.ros.org/mailman/listinfo/ros-users
>>>> >> >> >>>>
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>>>> >> >> > ros-users@code.ros.org
>>>> >> >> > https://code.ros.org/mailman/listinfo/ros-users
>>>> >> >> >
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>>>> >> >> Orocos-Users@lists.mech.kuleuven.be
>>>> >> >> http://lists.mech.kuleuven.be/mailman/listinfo/orocos-users
>>>> >> >
>>>> >> >
>>>> >> > _______________________________________________
>>>> >> > ros-users mailing list
>>>> >> > ros-users@code.ros.org
>>>> >> > https://code.ros.org/mailman/listinfo/ros-users
>>>> >> >
>>>> >> >
>>>> >> --
>>>> >> Orocos-Users mailing list
>>>> >> Orocos-Users@lists.mech.kuleuven.be
>>>> >> http://lists.mech.kuleuven.be/mailman/listinfo/orocos-users
>>>> >
>>>> >
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>>>> > ros-users mailing list
>>>> > ros-users@code.ros.org
>>>> > https://code.ros.org/mailman/listinfo/ros-users
>>>> >
>>>> >
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>>>> ros-users mailing list
>>>> ros-users@code.ros.org
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> ros-users mailing list
> ros-users@code.ros.org
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