Hey everyone

I am starting a project aiming at creating a complete coverage path planning algorithm on a mobile robot, which I had previous experience with. Here I developed and implemented a localization algorithm using Player only, but the increased complexity involved in coverage path planning have made me interest in using ROS.
While the tutorials gives an excellent overview, then I have not totally figured out how to add my external Player installation into ROS so I can create Nodes that takes advantages of the Player libraries.
It is properly a simple task, but I hope someone can take the time to explain how I solve my problem.
I am using Player 3.0.2 with the newest version from SVN and the newest version of ROS from the repository on Ubuntu 10.10. The package have I created using roscreate-pkg with the basic dependencies described in the tutorial.


Sebastian Aslund

Master Student in Robotics
University of Southern Denmark