Thanks Radu,
I will add geometry unstable.  Just to confirm, is this

with the unstable part the geometry package I am looking for?

If this fails I will give diamond back a whirl.

Thanks much for the help

On Sun, Feb 13, 2011 at 12:29 PM, Radu Bogdan Rusu <> wrote:

Eigen in CTurtle is version 2.0.15, so you need to overlay the geometry stack, branch unstable to get the latest Eigen. The newer 3D perception stacks all require unstable.

You could also participate in the beta unstable/diamondback program and let us know whether things work out for you. We're close to releasing diamondback final, so things should be pretty stable right now.


On 02/13/2011 12:23 PM, brian Corwin wrote:
I actually just reinstalled ubuntu and I am going to start over again using cturtle and trying to overlay perception and
addons.  However, I tried this before and got a similar error with Eigen.

I will check the Eigen/core version when I get the system back up and running.

To update would I just overlay a newer version of Geometry?

Thanks much

On Sun, Feb 13, 2011 at 10:12 AM, Radu Bogdan Rusu < <>> wrote:

   What does rosversion geometry give you?


   On 02/13/2011 07:51 AM, brian Corwin wrote:

       Hi all, I am attempting to install the NI driver over unstable.  I have followed the instructions carefully and have
       managed to squash a number of bugs along the way, but I can't find my way past this one.

       I have everything ready as per the instructions and run the rosmake ni --rosdep-install and it goes fine until it
       reaches this

       [rosmake-0] Starting >>> openni_camera [ make ]
       [ rosmake ] Last 40 linesenni_camera: 7.1 sec ]      [ 1 Active 54/66 Complete ]
          cd build && cmake -Wdev -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=`rospack find rosbuild`/rostoolchain.cmake  ..
          [rosbuild] Building package openni_camera
          [rosbuild] Including /opt/ros/unstable/stacks/ros_comm/clients/roslisp/cmake/roslisp.cmake
          [rosbuild] Including /opt/ros/unstable/stacks/ros_comm/clients/rospy/cmake/rospy.cmake
          [rosbuild] Including /opt/ros/unstable/stacks/ros_comm/clients/cpp/roscpp/cmake/roscpp.cmake
          -- [rosbuild] Found SSE2 extensions, using flags: -msse2 -mfpmath=sse
          MSG: gencfg_cpp on:OpenNI.cfg
          Finding dependencies for /home/bchinn/ni/ni/openni_camera/cfg/OpenNI.cfg
          -- Configuring done
          -- Generating done
          -- Build files have been written to: /home/bchinn/ni/ni/openni_camera/build
          cd build && make -l1
          make[1]: Entering directory `/home/bchinn/ni/ni/openni_camera/build'
          make[2]: Entering directory `/home/bchinn/ni/ni/openni_camera/build'
          make[3]: Entering directory `/home/bchinn/ni/ni/openni_camera/build'
          make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/bchinn/ni/ni/openni_camera/build'
          [ 25%] Built target ROSBUILD_gencfg_cpp
          make[3]: Entering directory `/home/bchinn/ni/ni/openni_camera/build'
          make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/bchinn/ni/ni/openni_camera/build'
          [ 25%] Built target rospack_gencfg
          make[3]: Entering directory `/home/bchinn/ni/ni/openni_camera/build'
          make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/bchinn/ni/ni/openni_camera/build'
          [ 25%] Built target rospack_genmsg_libexe
          make[3]: Entering directory `/home/bchinn/ni/ni/openni_camera/build'
          make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/bchinn/ni/ni/openni_camera/build'
          [ 25%] Built target rosbuild_precompile
          make[3]: Entering directory `/home/bchinn/ni/ni/openni_camera/build'
          make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/bchinn/ni/ni/openni_camera/build'
          make[3]: Entering directory `/home/bchinn/ni/ni/openni_camera/build'
          [ 50%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/openni_driver.dir/src/openni_driver.o
          In file included from /home/bchinn/ni/ni/openni_camera/src/openni_driver.cpp:43:
          /home/bchinn/ni/ni/openni_camera/include/openni_camera/openni.h:45: fatal error: Eigen/Core: No such file or
          compilation terminated.

       It cannot seem to find Eigen/core yet I know I have it installed and can see it is lcoated in

       How can I get rosmake to see my Eigen/core?  Or is there another problem I need to address?

       thanks much

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