Hi Everyone -

Over the last couple months we've seen an increase in the volume of emails on ros-users and no one likes too many emails. So we put together answers.ros.org to provide an alternative forum for asking and answering questions. If you're really love getting all that email you can still have it by signing up for answers.ros.org and setup your profile to receive all traffic like before. However if you prefer lower volume you can filter based on tags (whitelist or blacklist). This does not mean we're doing away with ros-users, we would like to use this mailing list more for announcements and general discussion rather than individual troubleshooting. We would to like to encourage everyone to signup at answers.ros.org http://answers.ros.org/account/signin/ .  Go ask questions and provide answers as usual.

If you have questions or feedback about the site use "answers.ros.org" as the tag so that we get your feedback.

Your Friendly ROS Developers
- Melonee & Tully