2011/2/8 Willy Lambert <lambert.willy@gmail.com>

The standard way to run executables in ROS packages is with rosrun, e.g;

rosrun ocl deployer-gnulinux

Oh yes ! I still don't have the ROS reflexes :)

it answers :
ard@ard-host-v5:/media/DD_data/home/ard$ rosrun ocl deployer-gnulinux
[rosrun] You have chosen a non-unique executable, please pick one of the following:
1) /home/ard/ros/orocos_toolchain_ros/ocl/bin/deployer-gnulinux
2) /home/ard/ros/orocos_toolchain_ros/ocl/install/bin/deployer-gnulinux

 I know there are egal because one is the "make installed" version of the other, by I find it is strange and prevent from starting it automatically after boot (of course I have solutions to avoid this, but the rosway should work no ?)

I makes me thinking about folder size and orocos_toolchain_ros is 1,7Gb on my computer x-(  I know there is some hard work on code size reduction on the Orocos side but nearly 2gb is quite huge.

Does it exist a "rosmake clean" instruction ?

Let me up this subject,
after having built the orocos_toolchain_ros it seems it's a bit messy with build and installed files. Firstly, rosrun find 2 executables for deployer-gnulinux and can't choose. Secondly after having used "make clean" in all the packages of orocos_toolchain_ros stack, it reduced from nearly 2gb to 350Mb with is by far more acceptable. Is it any "ros" tool to do this ? Would it be possible to add a global "make clean" at the root of orocos_toolchain_ros ?