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On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 9:33 AM, Felix Messmer <> wrote:
ok, I did so....

but the formatting is pretty ugly and I can't attach files (....yet)

On 2011-02-28 16:51, Sachin Chitta wrote:
 > Hi Felix,
 > Could you please ask this question on
 > Thanks,
 > Sachin
 > On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 3:14 AM, "Felix Meßmer"
<> wrote:
 > >
 > > Dear community,
 > >
 > > I have some questions about the trajectory_filter...
 > >
 > >
 > > First of all, here is how we currently set it all up:
 > >
 > > #######################
cob_arm_navigation/cob3_trajectory_filter.launch #######################
 > >
 > > <launch>
 > > <node pkg="trajectory_filter_server" name="trajectory_filter"
type="trajectory_filter_server" output="screen">
 > > <!-- <rosparam command="load" file="$(find
cob_arm_navigation)/config/joint_limits.yaml"/> -->
 > > <rosparam command="load" file="$(find
 > >
 > > <remap from="robot_description" to="robot_description" />
 > > <!--remap from="collision_map" to="collision_map_occ" /-->
 > > <!--remap from="collision_map_update" to="collision_map_occ_update"
 > > <!--param name="refresh_interval_collision_map" type="double"
value="0.0" /-->
 > > <param name="refresh_interval_kinematic_state" type="double"
value="1.0" />
 > > <param name="bounding_planes" type="string" value="0 0 1 -0.01" />
 > > <param name="compute_contacts" type="bool" value="false" />
 > >
 > > <!--param name="pointcloud_padd" type="double" value="0.00" /-->
 > >
 > > <rosparam command="load" file="$(find
cob_arm_navigation)/config/cob3_robot_padding.yaml" />
 > >
 > > </node>
 > > </launch>
 > >
 > >
 > >
 > >
 > >
 > > ####################### cob_arm_navigation/filters.yaml
 > >
 > > service_type: FilterJointTrajectoryWithConstraints
 > > filter_chain:
 > >  -
 > >  name: unnormalize_trajectory
 > >  type: UnNormalizeFilterJointTrajectoryWithConstraints
 > >  -
 > >  name: cubic_spline_short_cutter_smoother
 > >  type: CubicSplineShortCutterFilterJointTrajectoryWithConstraints
 > >  params: {discretization: 0.01}
 > >
 > >
 > >
 > >
 > > In cob_arm_navigation/cob3_move_arm.launch: <param
name="trajectory_filter_allowed_time" type="double" value="2.0" />
 > >
 > > This is actually the configuration that I took from the
pr2_arm_navigation tutorials a while ago...adopted to the
care-o-bot...but I never looked into it more closely.
 > >
 > >
 > >
 > >
 > > When I now do planned motion using the OMPL planner or our own
PRMCE planner (which I am currently implementing and testing; for the
idea behind it see Leven
ros-users mailing list

Tully Foote
Systems Engineer
Willow Garage, Inc.
(650) 475-2827